I thought I'd talk about my life. You know, the things that are happening RIGHT NOW!
I applied and just had (two hours ago) an interview with the new cupcake place in town. It probably won't be anything steady since they're brand new and have little to no business, but it's a job. We'll see if I can score it and get fat eating cupcakes all day--I mean, working.
I finally chose what I'm going to write my final 10-page English paper on: Rachel Carson. It has to be some sort of environmental artist/author/person so I thought that would be a nice one. I'm actually not to worried about getting to 10 pages since there are a billion books about her and even more things since she's dead. Note: If you're researching a person, you're going to find a whole lot more about them when they're dead. Just a fact.
Halloween quickly approaches and so does the exodus of my grandmother's house. I'm actually thinking within the next week or so. Not Halloween in the next week or so, my moving. Sidenote: I'm being an Indian for Halloween. I guess to be politically correct, I'm going as a Native American, but that's just so many syllables. Either way, it's just so I can wear as little clothing as possible.
As for my Biology class (which I've never talked about before), I'm pretty sure the girl that sat next to me, doesn't like me. Sat being the key word. After never talking to me when I tried to make conversation, the next class, she proceeded to move to the row behind me leaving me all alone, front and center. I have now resorted to moving to the back row where the funny black kid that sat next to me previously traveled to. Despite the fact we sat next to each other for half a semester, I just learned his name today. Good job Ryan, look at your social skills bloom.
Cedar City has prompted me to finally get my winter things brought down here by my family. It lightly snowed and dropped 20 or so degrees, then warmed back up to the 70's. This small town really likes to screw with people. I think it really is just giving us a tease of what it really can bestow upon us very soon. It's basically saying, "Muahaha, look what I can do. You think that's snow? Wait until November and then I'm going to dump so much frozen precipitation on you that you'll wish you'd never traveled here due to the cheap tuition." At least, that's what I hear in my mind.
I just recently purchased Heather B. Armstrong's book It Sucked and Then I Cried off of Amazon.com. I already frequently read her blog (which is hilarious, dooce.com) and so I looked up her book and read the few free pages that amazon will give you. Needless to say, it got me hooked so I bought it. Now I just get to wait until it gets here and then I can write about that.
But what am I literally doing RIGHT NOW? At this current moment, I sit in the library listening to my Feist radio on Pandora and also listening to that guy across the room and noisy headphones. I just finished my accounting homework on time. It was something we hadn't even been taught in class yet and I got everything right, shows how much I need to go. As I even type now, a girl just sat across from me with a pink macbook. I think it's probably my time to go then. I really have no other reason to be here as now I'm just wasting time writing about my life as it happens. Not terribly exciting, I know.
New artist of note: Youth Lagoon
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