Friday, October 14, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

So lately I've been questioning the point of why I have a Facebook profile.  I've even thought about terminating my account with the website (I can almost hear Facebook screaming out in pain...).  Why would I do such an atrocious thing?  Well, let me explain:

First off, Facebook is starting to annoy me.  Well, not really starting to annoy me since it has for awhile, but I'm getting to a breaking point.  There are too many people, or so called "friends" of mine who post passive-aggressive things an/or self-pity posts.  Some made up examples being: "I wish people wouldn't be so RUDE and MEAN!" or, "So sad today, I wish life could be better..."

Look, I know that sometimes we all have to get things out, but a person who uses posts close to my examples are obviously looking for something.  Usually sympathy.  With these posts, you'll almost instantaneously be getting asked by your "friends" what is wrong, or what's going on.  A lot of the time, you'll also be getting nice compliments and words of encouragement from people, such as: "You're such a great person and so cute!!!!!!!" *shudder*  For a person like me, I'm not going to go around the internet posting how I feel when it's something important in my life.  Usually I just want to respond in a snarky way (ex: "Dang, that sucks bro-ham, I guess you should stop getting sick so often.").  To me, when people put things like this, they're seeking the attention of anyone who will look--especially with backhanded passive-aggressive posts to get back at someone.  From my point of view, I wouldn't go around campus telling people I've met once and "friended" how I feel that day.  Do you think they'd care?  No, they wouldn't.  Also, they'd probably just walk away really confused and weirded-out.  PLEASE, go talk to  friend or just go drink some orange juice, don't go spreading your diseases virtually.  In REAL life.

Second reason why Facebook might die in my life:  Why is there so much stuff?!  Seriously though, there are so many things on a page every single hour that I honestly don't have time to sit and look at everything.  Most of the time, they are things that I could care less about like a picture album of your cousin's wedding.  I don't know your cousin, their partner in marriage, your family, or for that matter, you very well.  I know there are people that are glad you put up those pictures, but to me, it's just junk that I have to sort through to find anything of worth to me.  Sometimes, I don't even find that.  I realized that the people who are constantly commenting on things and uploading things are the people are who are constantly on Facebook (duh).  Perfect example being the kid in my accounting class a row in front of me.  What has he learned in accounting?  Heaven knows.  I know that he likes to update his status a lot, and also likes to comment on everything his friends put up.  Do I know this kid, no.  I'm just a creeper like that.  I honestly don't have the patience for all that.

Third reason why:  Facebook really doesn't want me to leave or delete anything ever.  Over the summer, I kind of forgot I had an account and didn't log onto the site for over a month.  Over the period of that month, I received some tearful e-mails from Facebook himself (herself?) about how much they missed me there.  The site was cold and lonely without my sunshiney presence warming up the cold servers that were my homepage.  I even got an e-mail once where Facebook threatened to kill itself if I didn't come back...ok, maybe they didn't go that far, but you get my point.

 Facebook has become my clingy boyfriend.  Whenever I try to rid the site of embarrassing pictures of myself, I must go through a series of questions of why I'm doing it.  Shouldn't the reason "I just don't want this picture up," be enough?  Why the ninth degree Facebook?  The worst part is, even though I can't see the picture anymore, it's still somewhere on the site.  Like a crazed lover who saves all the hair from your brush and used tissues in a box in their closet.  They're not going to give them up without a fight and/or restraining order.

Especially when you try and break it off ("It's not you Facebook, it's the fact that I hate you so much."), Facebook makes it really hard to leave.  "Are you sure you want to leave?  Are you really sure?  Positive?  You have to be really positive, because once you leave you can't come back...ok, you can come back, I was kidding."  *sobbing* "Why?! What did I ever do to you?!  I'm going to kill myself I hope you're happy!"


There are obviously the good things about FBook (connecting with long-lost friends and talking to people impersonally), but I don't want to expound on that really.  If someone wants to talk to me, they can contact me in real life, so there goes that argument.  I'm just thinking about what I might do.  Also, I'm lacking on time, so this is going to end now without me having looked over this and editing anything.  I might regret it later with bad sentences and spelling, but judge me.

*I looked over this, and fixed a spelling error, and can't think of what else I would say.  I got off the crazy train I was on and just have to wait for the next departure.

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