I'm sure you guys know by now that when I get really frustrated with any assignment I'm doing, I distract myself by typing out here. What assignment is it today you ask? Personality Theory!
But theory aside, I guess I'm just going to empty my brain a bit so I can get back to focusing.
What's going on this week? FINALS. Just finals everywhere. A final for you, a final for you, two for you Glen Coco, you go Glen Coco!
I've decided that I really need to start getting my shit together you guys. Due to some really poor diet choices and some really poor sleep choices, my body is deciding it no longer wants to function. I'm sure you can all see how that is a problem when this paper is due at 5pm. Yes, two hours away. I'm almost done but I'm really afraid that I'm going to fall asleep at this desk and just die here in a pool of my own drool.
Want to know something else? I actually had a dream last night about how I slept for 20 million hours, woke up at 5:30pm and started crying. Full on tears down my face about how I missed my deadline and I would have to beg and plead to turn in my paper. Funny thing was, to get over this tragedy, I decided to go see Elf in the Main Street theatre. I'm glad my subconscious is so easily satisfied.
Why did I tell you that story? To illustrate that even my subconscious is getting tired of my shenanigans and is trying to scare-tactic me back into line.
I think this has woken me up enough to now get back to my paper. If none of you hear from me for a couple days, please come locate my drool soaked body. No autopsy necessary, we all know how it went down.
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