The time has come again this year that a large population of the world participates in the practice that is Lent. In a quick summary: Lent is a period of 40 days that begins on Ash Wednesday where one is to give up something whether it be a physical thing or a practice.* I honestly didn't know that much about Lent so I Googled it and came up with a nice history on this website.
"But wait," you say, "you aren't Catholic." Yes, I'm aware of the fact that I'm not practicing the religion that normally practices Lent, but it doesn't mean I cannot participate. In my opinion, it is good for every person to practice some self-control and also to see what we can live without since we live in a world of excess. Generally, it's something that anyone can do if they think it will benefit them.
This will be the first time that I've ever attempted a 40 day fast from anything and I really am excited to see what I can accomplish or discover about myself.
What is it that I'm going to give up you ask? This may not be a problem for some people, but seeing as how I grew up in a generation where my head is basically Siamese with a computer, I decided to give up social-networks. I'll be honest, I spend large chunks of time browsing the web and lol'ing at witty memes (I hope none of that made any sense), so now I need to find a better way to use this time. What I'm hoping for is that I'll use it for homework, studying, and exercising.
Unfortunately, this blog counts as a social network so it's going to have to hibernate with the others while I distance myself from the interweb and step into some sunlight (ahhhh, it burns!). Instead of writing down stories/thoughts about Lent and other things here, I'll be writing them down on my lappy or in my notebook, and later (using the magic copy/paste button) to put them on here. One thing I'll be diligent about is not trying to find loopholes. This is all or nothing guys.**
See you all in 40 days (not counting Sundays).
*This isn't all Lent is about, but it's one of the main things. There's a lot of fasting and special days. Go read up if you'd really like to know.
**I'm still going to be using e-mail since it's a necessity currently and it really isn't a social network anyways. Also, the internet isn't off limits, just things like Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc.
come baaaaaaack.