Wednesday, February 1, 2012

An Education on Words

Due to requirements at the University I'm attending, I have to take a class called "University 1000."  From what I've gathered from attending, the class is to teach us learning methods we can use in our lives and also basically how to normally function in society.  I've decided to rename it to, "How To Not Be A Social Idiot and Other Things Most People Already Know Due to Common Sense...1000."

I bet you guys can see my take on the class.

So today, we all met in a single room to discuss the fine subject of words.  More importantly, how to dissect a word of which we didn't know the definition and come up with a good guess to a definition.  Not a terrible thing since there are a lot of words I don't know and sometimes practicing this helps.

An example: Bibliophile.  Biblio: Books.  Phile: Lover of.  Thus, bibliophile wold be a lover of books.  Such a beautiful relationship that probably isn't sanctioned by the state of Utah.

We then went through a list of words and circled those we knew and then buddied up with those around us to try and dissect and connect a meaning to the unknown words.  Well, seeing as how the girl sitting 5 inches to my right took about .5 seconds to decide she would run to the girl 2 feet away, I was forced to ask if I could become class friends with the two giggling girls to my left.  I'll name them green and ginger since one was wearing a green shirt and the other was a ginger.  First mistake: attending class at all.

"Bibliophile..." said Ginger thoughtfully.

"Oh, someone who loves the bible!" said Green.

"Well isn't biblio books? So maybe a lover of books," I said

"I guess that makes sense," said Ginger "so essentric...essenteric?"

"Eccentric," I said.

"Oh, what's that?" said Green.

"Well it's like something like that," Said Ginger

"I thought essential was spelled with an s," I said.

*Ginger writes down essential*

"Yeah, he's right, it's an s, " Ginger laughs "So what now?"

"Well an eccentric is kind of like someone who is crazy about something, you know?" I suggest

*Green writes down crazy underneath eccentric*

"OK, pasedonym...." tries Green.

"Pseudonym," I say, hoping my brain doesn't explode.

Green sits and thinks a bit, "Isn't that a type of fighting?" She laughs.

I put my head down on the table...and that's how I died.

This continued on for many more words until class ended and only instilled in me great sadness.  I often worry about what the public school system in Utah churns out each year since sometimes it lacks in a proper education so we'll see how I survive this class.

-Harold "hopefully maintains sanity and doesn't kill anyone while using a pseudoym" Parshegan.
 aka Ryan

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