Well hey again blog, I'm consistently writing on you which makes me happy. Should I be writing on you since I have 3 tests within the next 7 days and I've barely studied? No, Probably not. Should I be writing to relieve stress and maintain my sanity. Yes, I absolutely should.
So quick update on my English paper: After turning in the POS that was my paper, I promptly received it back the following class. During that class hour, my Professor got off on some random tangent about Caesar and the saying, "Veni, Vidi, Vici." Yeah, I have no clue how we go to this point in a class about nature, but who am I to care. Thinking to myself in my head, "This means, 'I came, I saw, I conquered,'" I sat quietly until, what would you know? The teacher tells us that if anyone can tell him what the translation was, he would give the a half letter grade bump on their paper. You probably can picture me raising my hand in the air so fast that is dislocated itself, trying to scrounge for some extra gradeage. Those are times when I have absolutely no dignity. Lucky for me though, the rest of the class had no idea what it was, so I won. So, at the end of class, our papers were handed back to us. How he did this so quickly this time, I do not know. It could only be because they were all so horribly bad. Upon getting my paper, I ignored all professor marks and went straight to the back page to see the letter grade. I think my jaw hit the floor. "A-" was printed neatly under all his criticisms. With that wonderful stroke of Latin verbage, I had received an A. A glorious glorious A. Just thought I'd let you know.
That was a rather long tangent, so I'll get to my main point.
A couple days ago, a friend and I were walking back from signing up for mentor training (something I'll touch on later). Upon crossing campus, we talked about the guy she had been on a couple dates with and within the next hour, she would be embarking upon another one. It sounded like a normal date, probably dinner and some random activity. Then she told me that he might want to go see a movie after. We can all see where this is going.
Movies are definitely an activity where a plethora of things can happen in the dark, especially that of hand-holding. It is the perfect environment where one would feel comfortable making the move of reaching out digits and ensnaring a dates hand. Most people who have gone to a movie as a couple would probably know this. Asking someone to go for a movie (on a date) is almost like asking, "Hey, any way you'd like to put both our arms on a really small surface, try and maintain comfort, and hold my sweaty palm for an hour and a half?" It is an activity where hand holding is implied. Like ice-skating, roller-skating, or barn dancing, somebody is probably going to try and grasp your hand (or swing you dosie-do, who knows).
We talked outside the library about hand-holding seems to be some sort of commitment, at least for some people. In my opinion, it doesn't mean that much. You can hold hands with lots of people: Your niece, your best friend as you skip down a street, a blind hobo; It doesn't mean that you have any romantic relationship with these people. My friends biggest worry was that the joining of hands would result in another step in the relationship. To her, she wanted the hand-holding to be spontaneous and fun, not something where you could expect it to happen, ie, a cheesy movie. I agree with her on that. Any guy who's plan is to hold your hand during a movie, should probably go to the movie alone.
But is holding a hand something as serious as it should be? I don't think so. I don't think my friend thinks so either, so hopefully no one is misunderstanding this. From personal experience, I've held hands on walks, movies, and other assorted activities. To me, it means little and sometimes can be very uncomfortable (sweaty palms and weird finger placement). I'm definitely not opposed though. Where it falls in terms of relationship levels, I have no idea. I know it's not up there with kissing in relationship terms, but kissing is a whole other story. I'm pretty sure I've even kissed people before I've held their hand and the world didn't implode.
To me, hand-holding is also definitely an appropriate use of PDA. Onlookers can easily see that those two are in a beautiful budding relationship, and can all sigh cute little, "Ahhhhhs," as they walk by. I approve it much more than tongues down throats, or hands down in no-man's land. Those just make me feel like I got an STD from being so close.
Point being, I guess we will have to wait and see. I'm glad that hand-holding exists because it really is a nice way to extend your feelings toward another in a subtle, physical way. Am I over-analyzing this? Or does hand-holding really mean something special? I know we've all been in the movie theater before with our hands in our armpits, avoiding another's hopeful advances as they nudge us. Sometimes, it's for the best, it can tell another we don't want something. Hopefully though, we will all hold hands one day around the world in the cute little circle race, gender, and equality, and I won't have to think to myself, "Gee, I hope this girl next to me doesn't like me, I don't really bat for her team."
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