They really are, I can tell you guys.
Walking into the local Smith's and everything, basically any item that I would like one of is on sale for 10 for 10$
Ryan, what are you talking about that's a great deal.
No internet person, it's not. I do not need ten of something, I don't have 20 small children living in my backyard...I sure hope I don't at least. If I had bought ten of everything I had needed one of, I would have spent over 200$ and would have to eat the same thing FOR ETERNITY.
Grocery stores, why you make life difficult for Ryan? Buy 10 of something? Oh no? Then buy one and it's as much as FIVE
I just thought I'd share my shopping woes with ya'll, you have to listen, right? Let's move on to action movies though.
Recently I've seen quite a few action movies, most of which I was less than pleased with.
*cough Snow White cough*
Well, I started noticing a regular trend in the extras in some of these action movies and sometimes just the movie set itself. Let's start with the extras during times of distress:
Alien creatures with laser guns are taking over the earth, what do you do!? Quick! Run into the crumbling skyscraper and let's watch what happens behind these large GLASS, EASILY SHATTERABLE GLASS, panes.
I don't know about you, but when running from death (not that I do that often guys...), I don't stand behind an object that is:
1) See-through
2) Weak
3) Will cut a bitch up if it breaks.
I also certainly DO NOT stick around and watch what's going to happen. Do you know what kind of people those are? Those are people who wear Crocs and if they are vaporized by a stray alien laser, it was meant to be.
Also, can we just talk about the villains in some of these movies?
3 out of the many movies I saw had aliens as the bad guy. All of which were trying to destroy/take over earth for their own control. Let us discuss why on in particular were just terrible bad guys.
-Technology advanced enough to travel millions of miles through space in addition to force fields that trap all the good guys in a certain perimeter. Hey, let's not use the force fields on our own ships! Also, somehow a couple shots from earth boats can destroy us! Fancy that! (Battleship...I was not amused. If there had been one more cliche'd staring contest between characters/lines of stating the obvious, I would have walked out.).
You know, I'm going to stop ranting and just say this:
-The only redeeming quality in Battleship was the fact that it didn't burst into flames while we watched it (Why were you in a movie Rihanna...why...)
-Prometheus was rather enjoyable. Although, I get squeamish around blood and such so I definitely made the 'ew' noises half the time.
-Snow White, why were there SO MANY single tears down the cheek. No one ever full on cried, just one. Single. Effing. Tear.
Avengers was great and I won't bash on the bad guys since I honestly don't know the back-story of the Avengers so I just watched it for the joy of action and explosions. Yay, 'splosions and shit...
So basically I've been spending all my time in dark movie theaters cringing about underdeveloped story lines and bad acting. Oh yeah, and I just finished up my second class for the summer, that happened. I can't legally therapize* you, but I can pretend to! *wink*
Seriously, don't ask me to. You'll end up some sort of Jack the Ripper/Ted Bundy type character and then I'll go to jail. I can't go back there you guys.
*Therapize: (Verb) The act of giving therapy to someone. My professor decided to coin this term and it has stuck with me since saying "I'm going to give therapy" or "Let's therapize" just takes so long to say. Doesn't "Imma therapize you!" just roll off the tongue better?
Ry, the trick to the "ten for ten" is that you find different items that are on the same sale, then you can mix and match. So you do not need to buy ten packages of fishy crackers, that is, if you're not Hayden :)