I sure haven't written anything for awhile. I wish it's because I said I didn't have time. I wish it's because I said I could have been volunteering with small children. It's mostly just because I'm lazy and forget that I initially have this thing.
Point being, I'm back in Cedar City going back to another semester at the glorious institution that is SUU. Instead of studying for my Microeconomics class like I'm pretending to do in the library, I'm reading other blogs and frequenting favorite websites. I figured I might as well write something while I'm here.
Now you see, I grew to love Cedar City while living here last year. First semester: Wanted to die or move home. Second semester: Made friends and had decent teachers. I feel as though now I'll be able to tough it out this year since I know how to have fun now. But, as seeing there are some perks of living in Cedar (short commute, nice/clean weather, friendly people), there are definitely some downsides/things that irk me. Kind of also a list of "Only in Cedar City" things. Here you go:
1. Cowboy boots, cowboy hats, hunting caps, faded plaid shirts (or any t-shirt actually) tucked into overly tight jeans, and belt buckles.
Only in Cedar City will you find a group of 4 or more of these people in one place chatting it up. Now, I don't know these people and judge them on their character or personality, but growing up in the "big city" (as some here have told me), I'm a little harsher when it comes to fashion. Well, not even fashion, just dressing in general. This is definitely something you'll only find in Cedar or any equally small or smaller town. I personally can't do it.
2. Stupid freshman
Not all freshman are stupid. Really, any student could be stupid, it's just the stupid freshman that annoy me the most. Mostly kids who just don't get college in general. When talking to a frehsie in some of my mixed lower classman classes, I hear interesting things. Some of these also taken from conversations with friends who talked to little fresh children. "Oh, so what's your favorite book? Fablehaven?" (*inserts mental note to never again talk to*).
Example of kids who don't get things in general: Accounting-balding-returned missionary-always-on-facebook-and-sports-sites-and-only-wearing-sports-jerseys-during-class-kid. I don't shun the fact that laptops are useful devices, especially during a class where hand taking notes is hard. When you use your time, though, looking up BYU's last practice video, or commenting on something your friend wrote 2 seconds before (yes kid, I'm watching how many times you write shit), you're annoying as hell. Personally, I hope you fail the test kid.
3.Crazy Mormons
Living in Utah, it's impossible to avoid them. The big hair, the many MANY layers, the floor skirts, and the t-shirts under strapless dresses. Yes, you're being gay judged girls. Crazy Mormons and just Mormons in general are something I grew up with. Upon talking to friends that went out of state, they're constantly asked if they're Mormon solely based on the fact they're from Utah. Frustrating, I'm sure. There are those general Mormons who take things too far though.
*Sidenote: I promise I don't hate Mormons, they're fun. I can explain that more later, just clarifying here.*
The other day I was walking along campus heading to the library to get some studying in done at the end of the day. Upon nearing the library, two girls were walking in my direction and I could hear music playing loudly from her bag. Pretty normal, I thought. Kids play music, nothing new to me. Subconsciously of course, I listened to the words of the song as I passed by them. After processing for a split second, I realized what I had just heard. What I initially thought had just been some sort of rock song had indeed been the rocked out version of the LDS children's hymn, My Heavenly Father Loves Me. Sick. People who insist that MoTab or any other church music, is the only wholesome music out there make me sad. They're good for some things kiddos, but put some spice in your life.
(Story taken from my friend)
"It makes me feel uncomfortable to have any overnight guests in our apartment." My friend is an RA (resident assistant). She loves all her residents. She also doesn't mind people, who aren't her suitemates, sleeping in her apartment. I am not saying my friend is some kind of whore who likes different people over! Just fun innocent sleepovers. I for one love big sleepovers (pangea bed anyone?) and the late night conversations that ensue with tiredness and junk food. Girls who are scared of boys after midnight haven't met me yet. *nudge nudge, wink wink* (joke).
The Returned Missionary (freshly picked and still gung-ho from their plot of mission land):
I like people in general. I'm annoyed by people who are nice to me solely for the reason of trying to "save my soul." I mean, good on them for trying, but I already have a nice plot of land in hell with my cats and other assorted devilries (yes, I think I made that word up, but you know what I mean).
Being the slightly sadistic person that I am, I once pretended to not know what the Doctrine & Covenants was to a new friend I had made in my Business class. I had learned previously that he had only a few weeks before returned from India where he served a lengthy mission. Making conversation, I asked what books he had read recently other than the horrible textbook for the class that we were in. To my ears horror, he replied with,
"I don't really like to read anything. The only book I've ever read all the way is the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine & Covenants."
What? How had this kid succeeded in life up to this point? This is about the time the devil in my head came and convinced me to lie.
"D&C?" I said to him with a quizzical look on my face.
"Yeah, D&C," he replied to me without hesitation as if my question was absurd, "right now I'm on the part where they prophecy about the destruction of the great evil cities of the world-" Wait for it "such as New York, Vegas, Paris. You know, those places."
By this point, I realized that this kid had obviously taken some words from the text and made his own interpretation that I deemed to be just a little insane. Not wanting to be "taught" anymore, I just nodded and said "OK" and turned to listen to our new lesson. I'm not saying I defend Vegas' sacredness, just that the book isn't specific. I've read the book too, and from what I remember, revelation was never that blatant.
I feel like I've rambled a lot, but that's ok because I'm mostly doing this for my own entertainment and also to take up time. Dang, looking back this is long. Ah well. I think the next thing I write will be about the things I love about my good ol' C City since this became really cynical by the end. At least now it looks like I've been doing my accounting homework for the past hour. Please just don't just me other kids in the library. (I have my pen out, notebook, and book out occasionally looking at my monitor as if I just discovered something new and I'm writing it down.) Actually, judge away, I'm probably having more fun than you.